Saturday, August 17, 2013

My Week(s) In Stitches and a Theme-a-Licious Checkin

Last weekend was a Facebook SAL, and it seems weird to me to blog progress in the middle of a SAL.  So you get 2 weeks at once!

Right now my SAL piece is Fairy Sisters, which fits in with the August Theme-a-licious, too.

Here's where I was at the beginning of the SAL:

And at the end of the SAL weekend:

And not much more done.  I would really love to get back to the wings, but I'm disciplining myself to do the night sky, too.  I have to save some fun for later in these pages, right?

And just for fun, this is where I was 6 months ago:

Oh, yeah, and I did some work on Irish Blessing, too! I'm over halfway through the lettering, and I added another accent piece in yellow.  I found more of muted colors that I stashed away, and these will go nicely with what I have going on with the greeny-blue and the ecru.  I'm thinking of tweeding the yellow with a dark pink and a blue.  I'll pull out the yellow on Sunday and see how one of the "tweeds" looks instead.
(For Theme-a-licious readers - this has no wings to it.  Unless you count the flame stitches that I haven't put in yet which kind of fly. But my needle is flying through this to get this done so I can start something else...)

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